Community Project

Alveley Community First Responders

"To work alongside West Midlands Ambulance Service to support our community with emergency care."

Who We Help, Why We Help & the Difference It Makes

Alveley Community First Responders or CFR's are volunteers who are trained and qualified by the West Midlands Ambulance Service to a nationally recognised standard and provide life saving treatment like CPR, defibrillation, trauma care and other life saving techniques for various emergency situations.

We provide a voluntary service to people in our rural village community and surrounding areas between Bridgnorth and Kidderminster in the Severn valley area of Shropshire.

Whenever a CFR is asked to attend an emergency call, there will always be a full time West Midlands Ambulance resource sent at the same time. However, if that ambulance is travelling from some distance away  the Alveley CFR is likely to arrive with the patient sooner, and be able to provide medical care more quickly. In situations such as Cardiac Arrests , Heart Attacks, Strokes or Trauma, every minute counts if the patient is to have any chance of survival or recovery.

Our Services Are

Free Donation Appreciated

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What We Do

Whilst we are not a traditional service in that service users come direct to us for support (we are contacted via the 999 service) we provide a vital service in those critical minutes between an incident occurring and the ambulance service being able to attend the scene.

When a 999 call is made to the West Midlands Ambulance Service ( WMAS) , if the nature of the emergency is suitable for our CFRs to attend and we are the nearest available resource to the location, we are asked to respond by the ambulance control staff. Carrying the equipment we are trained for and supplied with, we attend the location in our scheme vehicle. Once with the patient we will assess their condition, and begin treatment if necessary to the level of our training, whilst waiting for the arrival of the nearest full time WMAS ambulance resource.

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Alveley Community First Responders are volunteers who are trained and qualified by the West Midlands Ambulance Service to a nationally recognised standard and provide life saving treatment like CPR, defibrillation, trauma care and other life saving techniques for various emergency situations.

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a CFR 


We are not funded by the ambulance service. All equipment, uniforms and the scheme car are provided for through generous donations and fundraising. We welcome any support, help or ideas fundraising for Alveley CFRs, please contact us if you can help

We attend fetes and events and can bring along our stand, car and information to raise awareness of CPR, public access defibrillators and basic first aid. Contact us if you have an event and wish us to attend.

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Community Trail

Connect with Alveley Community First Responders today to find out more

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Connect with Alveley Community First Responders today to find out more

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Additional Info


We provide free of charge CPR and defibrillator training to community groups and organisations if you would like us to attend and provide training and information to your group please contact us.

We attend fetes and events and can bring along our stand, car and information to raise awareness of CPR, public access defibrillators and basic first aid. Contact us if you have an event and wish us to attend.

Connect with Alveley Community First Responders today to find out more

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