Charity (no. 1147395)

The BUILD Charity

"Social, leisure and learning for people with disabilities"

Who We Help, Why We Help & the Difference It Makes

BUILD is a Norfolk based independent registered charity which provides social, leisure and learning opportunities for anyone with any disability aged 18 or over, in Norfolk. Through a range of community based activities, BUILD aims to support our people to enjoy the same kind of social life that most of us take for granted. This may be through social clubs, learning workshops, sporting, gardening or cultural activities, days out, or short breaks and holidays. The BUILD Charity provides around 250 community based opportunities for people with disabilities each year, led by volunteers and a small administrative staff support team.

Our Services Are

Subsidised Charged

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What We Do

BUILD provides a wide range of daytime, evening and weekend activities. 

  • Community Activities Programme  - A range of opportunities that include encouraging participation in sport, gardening and allotment projects, ten-pin bowling, country walking, a Sunday Lunch Club and regular cinema and theatre trips. In addition we host weekday and weekend activities that visit galleries and museums, tourist attractions, as well as a monthly night-clubbing experience at The Waterfront in Norwich. BUILD has a small, dedicated staff team who organise and manage the activities and opportunities, and a team of over 50 volunteers who provide support and leadership to many of the activities we run. All staff and volunteers are carefully selected to make sure they have the skills, and undergo training and referencing to make sure they are the best people we can find.
  • The Wednesday Club - Opened in 1967, this weekly social club is based at the Lasar House, Sprowston Road in Norwich and operates between 7pm and 9pm for 50 weeks of the year.
  • Skills For Life – is the BUILD Charity’s monthly programme of short Saturday morning workshops providing information and skills on a range of subjects from money management and healthy eating, to first aid, personal safety, job-search skills, cooking and volunteering. Workshops take place across Norfolk, normally on the second Saturday of the month.

For Bookings - Ros Carter on 01603 618029 [email protected] between 10am and 1pm

New opportunities for people with disabilities  including getting fitter for fun and free! details here

How much does it cost? Most activities will have a charge, and this is often linked to the actual public price of a ticket, or travel cost, which anyone would have to pay. BUILD operates an annual membership scheme for £20 a year, or £22.50  per month depending on how often you want to use our services. This means that registered members will get priority booking for activities, discounted entry (where BUILD controls the charges) and a range of other benefits. Full details of our prices will appear in the programme. 

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Opportunities for Volunteers

The BUILD Charity has a wide range of opportunities for volunteers from 16 years of age upwards in supporting frontline activities, or supporting back-office functions like marketing, fundraising or public relations. All our volunteers go through a vetting process, and receive free induction, safeguarding and disability awareness training and regular support reviews. All volunteers are entitled to claim reasonable travelling and activity expenses to help them support our work. Contact us if you would like to discuss current opportunities.

Our volunteering vacancies change regularly and we advertise these on our Facebook and Twitter feeds, however our volunteering roles normally fall into three categories:

  • Front line volunteering – supporting one of our social, leisure and learning services, such as the Wednesday Club, Community Activities programme, or Learning and Skills Workshops where volunteers will work within a small, or sometimes large team, led by a BUILD member of staff. This role may involve supporting and encouraging people with disabilities to take part in activities, helping them understand instructions, or get the most out of the activity. Sometimes it is just helping them enjoy a great day out, knowing that someone is there to help them if they need it.
  • Background Volunteering – supporting BUILD’s back-office functions in things like marketing, public relations, and fundraising, as well as working in a clerical role in our Norwich offices, producing a newsletter, managing our archives, or helping us link with new business opportunities. These opportunities also include being members of our Board of Trustees, Community Engagement Team or Advisory Groups that play a key role in our service development.
  • Volunteering for people with disabilities – BUILD has always supported volunteering for people with disabilities. Some of our Trustees are people with disabilities, and most of the people designing and delivering our internal and external training programmes are volunteers with disabilities who are, of course, the real experts.

For details of our current vacancies and our approach to volunteering CLICK HERE

Download volunteer forms here. These PDFs are editable, but you must download and save them before filling them in. Alternatively, you can print the forms and complete by hand. If you need any help in completing this form then please call us on 01603 618029.


The BUILD Charity employs four members of mainly part time staff and is supported by around 80 volunteers involved in a variety of roles ranging from supporting adults with disabilities in a weekly social club, sports or learning setting through to back office functions such as marketing and promotions, fundraising, administration or governance.

Employment opportunities are initially advertised internally to staff and volunteers, and through our website and Facebook page, before using a range of digital media. We welcome direct approaches and enquiries to our Chief Executive, with CVs and details of experience which are often held pending suitable employed roles becoming available. These can be sent to [email protected]

Part time employment vacancy – Finance Officer. We are currently looking for a new Finance Officer following our current colleagues decision to take the first stage towards retirement. For full details download the details and application form and return them both completed, with a copy of your current CV to arrive no later than noon on Friday 4th January.

Information on all our employment or volunteering opportunities are available by calling 01603 618029 or emailing [email protected]

Shop online at no extra cost to you

Follow the link through Easysearch and Easyfundraising - if you do your shopping on line, or use an internet search engine such as Google, go to this site and register to support BUILD as every time you search, or make a purchase, funds are donated to BUILD.

Opportunities to invest in BUILD

We are always looking to work in partnership with individuals and other organisations, to invest in the long term future of the charity. This might include setting up a Company Volunteering Scheme, choosing BUILD as a company’s “Charity of the Year”, commissioning BUILD’s expert trainers to improve a company’s customer care standards, or just sharing each other’s extensive networks for mutual benefit. Contact our Chief Executive for more details and an exploratory chat over coffee. There are a wide range of ways that people can support, or invest in BUILD.

  • Nominate BUILD as the "Charity of the Year" for your employer or community organisation
  • Complete a team or personal challenge and get friends and colleagues to sponsor you
  • Host a "BUILD Barbecue" or "BUILD Bun Bake" for us, and your friends
  • Choose BUILD as the benefitting charity for donations instead of sending Christmas Cards to the people you see everyday

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Community Trail

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Additional Info

Does BUILD provide transport? 

Not normally – we encourage people to use public transport using their concessionary travel-cards wherever possible and can, on occasions, support people to travel if they need extra help.

BUILD and Business

This document sets out some of the services that BUILD can offer to business partners, and some of the services it is looking to benefit from, to help develop its work further.

News and Events

Please click here for details of news and forthcoming events in 2019

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