Community Project

Dittisham Parish Habitat Plan

"Habitat protection and phased enhancement of land owned by Dittisham Parish Council."

Who We Help, Why We Help & the Difference It Makes

The Habitat Plan started as a simple project of collaboration between Dittisham Parish Council (DPC) and our local Sustainability group Sustainable Dittisham, or SusDit. The initial phase of the project involved seeing what we had already, what should be kept, what could be improved.   

We intentionally kept it really simple and doable - the output was deliberately 1 side of A4 max.

We needed to balance the recreational value of the area against our habitat improvements. For example in a survey which we did when planning for new playground equipment many people said that they really appreciated the open grassy area and the view to the river. We were easily able to maintain that AND add new habitat.  

DPC Councillors  and some members of SusDit worked together and: 

  • Made a Google map of the land owned by the Council.
  • Walked around to do a habitat assessment of that land.
  • Made recommendations for what should stay as is and what could be improved.
  • The improvements are phased with phase 1 being a change to the maintenance contract so that less cutting and strimming are done in certain areas, around 40 trees were planted, habitat piles were created.
  • And ongoing review, tweaks, and improvement where necessary.

Making signs to show people that the wilder areas and habitat piles are deliberate is all part of the plan which we've started implementing. 

A successful approach was what I term "Mullet Management" - which means that the contractors cut a neat strip at the front, with the wilder area behind. That makes it look neater and more deliberate. 

All time for the review and the planting was donated for free to the project, and the minimal cost of £500 was shared between the Parish Council and the local Parish of Dittisham Charity with the first £250 spent on trees, the next £250 will cover phase 2. 


As well as monitoring progress, putting into process some further improvements to some areas of land, we will also be developing and then consulting on a tree policy. The continues accelerating effects of climate change mean that drainage, flooding, and shade cover will be increasingly important in the future, and land management and habitat/planting plans have a part to play in that.  

Begin by Starting

This may sound obvious but I think it's worth stating - this project was only possible by many people working together and really listening to each other. 

We all made some compromises along the way, and we all learnt something from each other, and we celebrated our successes, thanked and encouraged each other. 

Just doing one thing to improve is a step in the right direction - it's more important that a step is taken rather than it being a perfect step. 

Our Services Are

Free Low Cost Subsidised

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What We Do

If someone came to us for some help then we could tell them about how our approach worked and they could then adapt that for use in their own area. DPC and SusDit are part of a wider network called Sustainable South Hams and this group have example projects and a mentoring system where groups help each other to launch similar projects. 

If a local landowner came to us for help then I am sure that we'd provide a walk around their land to help make some collaborative recommendations for how they might protect and enhance their biodiversity.  

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To help us people can follow our DPC Facebook page - where we tend to post news updates and so on.

People can sign up to the SusDit mailing list via the website here 

If you like something then do write encouraging comments and emails in - we all need encouragement!

In fact - where you see your local councils making efforts like these I encourage you to take the time to write something supportive. It can seem like it is only people with negative comments that take the time to reply, especially on social media, and that has a real effect because it's real people that work in these councils and organisations - so adding your moral support is also a great way to help.    

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Connect with Dittisham Parish Habitat Plan today to find out more

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Additional Info

Connect with Dittisham Parish Habitat Plan today to find out more

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