Charity (no. 1097870)

Headway Devon

"Rebuilding lives for people affected by acquired brain injury"

Who We Help, Why We Help & the Difference It Makes

Whether caused by a traumatic injury or an illness or condition such as stroke, meningitis or brain tumour, brain injury can leave people facing complex physical, learning and emotional difficulties.

Headway Devon is here to support people and their families to come to terms with what has happened and go on to get the most out of life.

Our Services Are


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What We Do

Whatever your connection with brain injury, Headway Devon is here to help.

We provide a range of services for people with brain injuries, family members and carers, and professionals working with people with brain injuries.

We provide:

  • one-to-one support for individuals with brain injuries in people's homes and communities across Devon and Torbay
  • group support for brain injury survivors through five day centres in Exeter, Exmouth, Honiton, Tiverton and Torquay
  • a monthly carers group for carers and family members of those affected by acquired brain injury, meeting at our centre in Exeter on the first Tuesday of every month
  • information, advice and resources including telephone support and useful factsheets on a range of topics related to life after brain injury
  • training and events for professionals, including an annual conference

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Headway Devon couldn’t function without our volunteers, fundraisers, donors and supporters.

How you can help:

  • Volunteering - if you are a caring, patient, and understanding person who would like to help people with brain injuries to  regains skills, you might like to consider volunteering at one of our centres. Our rehabilitation centres are busy, lively places, where our clients can access specialist support and take part in activities in a safe and friendly environment. With centres open Monday to Friday in various locations around the county, there are many volunteering opportunities available.
  • Fundraising - whether you’d like to make a cash donation, hold a “Hats for Headway” day at a school, club or workplace, attend one of our events, or donate some old jewellery to be recycled, every pledge of support is valuable to us and the people we support and our Fundraising Manager, Holly, would love to hear from you. Please get in touch by calling 01392 211822 or emailing [email protected].

As demand for our services is always growing, we also hold regular recruitment drives for positions within our one-to-one and centre services. To find out more about current work opportunities visit

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Community Trail

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Additional Info

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