Charity (no. 1102489)
Living Options Devon
"We are a user-led charity empowering disabled and Deaf people to live the life they choose"
We believe in a fully accessible society where all people can enjoy the freedom of choice and equality of opportunity. We operate a culture of open communication, empowerment and development, where individual differences and abilities are respected and people are encouraged to achieve their full potential.
Living Options Devon
Living Options Devon (LOD) is a charity and a company limited by guarantee founded over 25 years ago. Our vision is of fully informed, accessible and inclusive society in which every individual has the choice and opportunity to achieve their full potential and take part as an equal and valued citizen.
We exist to ensure people with physical and/or sensory disabilities and Deaf people with sign language can make an active and equal contribution in society.
Specifically we:
Encourage people to feel more informed, valued and confident to take part in society through relevant training and support;
Enable people to identify priorities and develop user-led services;
Engage people in effective communication with local/national service commissioners and providers;
Empower people to raise awareness of what society needs to do to provide equality of opportunity both locally and nationally.
We can help support your mobility, Deaf community, sight and hearing, hidden disability, and wellbeing.
Call us on: 01392 459 222
Email us at: [email protected]
Message us (SMS): 07856 426 940
Please follow the links to our services:
Volunteer With Us
Our services, support and information is led by you, we need you to make sure we’re providing the best possible advice and support. There are a variety of roles to get involved with through volunteering from office support to helping out at events or being an ambassador. We offer a friendly and caring environment, with the opportunity to develop and grow as an individual.
Visit our volunteering page at
Learn More About Living Options Devon
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