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The Importance of Branding

Branding how important is it really?


Firstly, let’s talk about the benefits of branding in general and why it’s so important. 


First Impressions are everything


Branding can help you stand out from the crowd, and with so many organisations in the charity and community sector, effective and consistent branding can help to bring attention to the work you do, the help you need and more.


Many organisations just buy a logo and think, great that’s another job done (I know we all have a lot to do, and this would be much easier). However, if you put time into your logo and make it meaningful, with a clear purpose – this can give you a competitive edge. First impressions really are everything. 




Good branding raises and builds loyalty. When you showcase what you value it can help to develop an emotional connection between you and your supporters, volunteers, and beneficiaries. Those first impressions, and the feelings your branding generates can actually encourage people to spread the word, support you or even have the courage to connect with you.


Increasing reach – Building impact.


People connect with brands with the same values as them, so when your branding clearly represents you and your values, you are more likely to attract the right people for your organisation and gather more loyal supporters. 


These are just the 3 points that I believe are the most important, however there are many, many more. 


It would be great to hear if you agree or if you think there are others that are more important? 


aDoddle want to help increase your reach


 The team of volunteers at aDoddle have listened and heard how so many of you are struggling with raising the profile of your organisation. We face the same struggles.


Our goal, by giving you the opportunity to create a free “mini website”, is to make things easier for you to “highlight” the 5 key things people want to know.

·      Who you help?

·      How you help

·      The difference you make

·      The help you need

·      And how to contact you


Because branding is so important, we’ve made it aDoddle for you to brand your profile by adding a header image, your logo and one key branding colour. 


Benefits of doing this include: 

  • Our research has shown that people are more likely to spend time on a profile, and then click through to a website or media link if it is ‘branded’ with a header image and a key brand colour – this also helps to individualise your profile and make it more like a mini website.

  • Once your profile is branded, we set up free social media posts and share them via our social media channels. 

  • There are also opportunities to be our Featured Profile of the Week (#FPoW) 


All these things can help raise awareness about your organisation and your profile on the map.


To make things even more of aDoddle for you, each month we offer to create header images for 10 charities – all free.  Please contact us if you would like to join our list.  (contact details listed at the bottom) 


Our own branding and why its important to us

 We have two distinctive elements of branding significant to us at aDoddle and these are, our heart and our rainbow. 


Our heart.

All of the elements of our brand; If Everyone Cares CIC, aDoddle and The Community Pledge use the heart, this enables us to bring the brand together, it helps to make us more recognisable. However, the reason why this is so noticeable is because this isn’t an ordinary heart, our heart is distinctive to us, it was made from shapes within the letters of aDoddle, and one of the fonts that we use. (If you would like a tutorial, comment below and attend our free branding workshop). 

So, what does the heart stand for, and why did we choose it?Every single one of us has a heart, which shows inclusivity, which is one of our main beliefs as an organisation. 


The colours – rainbow 

We chose the rainbow colours, because we don’t believe in discrimination, and we do not discriminate against others. Our aim is to be inclusive of all. 

A benefit of using the rainbow colours means that we can create our logo in any colour, and we will still be recognised as well as this gives us the potential to link with any prospective partners, which allows us the ability to do a lot more in the long run. 


Training opportunities

Would you like to learn more? Then please get in contact via email and we can arrange a live training session or webinar. But for now, comment down below what do you want to know about branding? and anything else you would like to be covered in the session.

Look forward to potentially hearing back from you. 

See you at our training session. 

Contact info: Jess Reardon – email – [email protected] 

Orange Watercolor Creative Business Card

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