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Community Mapping

aDoddle community maps can be added to any website for any UK area or niche.

Are you looking for a solution for mapping local community benefiting charities, community groups or organisations?

aDoddle community maps are a flexible and growing resource that may fit your needs. Helping to remove the need for complicated or costly in-house development. Providing a simple cost effective solution.

Our community maps are literally working towards making it ‘aDoddle’ to:

  • Find Help
  • Give Help
  • Connect Locally
  • Collaborate
  • Support

Choose your central point - and level zoom


Area Map - Connected to aDoddle

Do you want a map for your village, town or a specific area?

We can either provide you with the code for your area map so that you can ‘drop’ it in to any website.


We can partner with you to set up a dedicated map for you through our platform – just tell us the name –  eg: Dawlish would be We can even enable you to have control of some of the pages to add area or niche specific content.

There are many benefits to this. Imagine if your area had a natural disaster such as flooding. Instantly you have a site that is populated with places for people to get or give help. You also have the ability to have the homepage focus on the most important information that you want your community to be able to access. As a partner or community leader you are supporting your community, you are also able to see what resources already exist within the community, enabling you to make effective decisions.

Internal Use - Area Map - Connected to aDoddle

Would you like a map that is still connected to but only shows organisations that you have pre-approved? Ideal for things like social prescribing, services that you are happy for your team to recommend to your clients? 

As well as your map being able to be added to any website we can give you a dedicated link for all profiles to be added through.

This will mean that your map will only show the profiles that are added directly through that link.

Our preference is that all of those profiles, as long as they match our criteria of being of benefit for people and communities, are also added to the UK wide resource and any connected maps. 

We believe that the more ‘access’ points that people have to the information the more chance there is for them to be empowered to find ‘what works for them’. 

Empowered people and communities = Choice and resilience.

Area Map - NOT Connected to aDoddle

There is the option for you to have a map that is not connected to the national map resource – this would mean that the profiles are only visible on your map and for the benefit of your target audience/team only. (This can be internal on intranet system or external through a public website)

We appreciate that there are times when this is the relevant option for your needs.

For example:

  1. We are working with Action to Prevent Suicide on a Map of Hope. The pin-points that they want to show are of the number of people and areas where people have trained in ‘SafeTalk’ and ‘Asist’. The aim is to give hope to those feeling suicidal by showing just how many people care, and also to encourage others to undertake the training.
  2. Social Prescribing, Police, NHS services – an internal team may want to have access to a map that only shows organisations that have been vetted by their team and each option may need an internal referral for people to access the services or support.


aDoddle’s Community Mapping option is not necessarily the ‘quick fix’ that some may want – however as a team we have over 10 years of ‘informal – boots on the ground’ research and knowledge under our belts.

We have spent time with community mapping projects that have tried and failed, taken time to understand and address the issues that led to that failure.

Thousands of conversations with people from all walks of life; Support workers, Doctors, Police, NHS, MP’s, CEO’s of National Banks and most important of all – People within communities, single parents, business owners, local community groups, teenagers undertaking community service, people who were suicidal, survivors of abuse, those who are isolated due to age, race, discrimination …

The list is endless – and every element of aDoddle and it’s connected community maps has been developed with this extensive knowledge.

Taking the time to populate maps is time worth taking – the resource that you gain is one that will grow and evolve, be lean to maintain and of benefit for the community as a whole.

More Questions?

This is the ‘Tip of the iceberg’ with regard to aDoddle’s capabilities and we are willing to undertake bespoke work.

So please do ask questions, we may have an answer straight away, or we may be able to work with you to create the solution that you are looking for.