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New Search Function Coming Soon

You Asked - We Listened

Your feedback is crucial to the ongoing development of aDoddle and we do listen.

A few of you have mentioned the ‘Search’ function, that it could be easier, you would like a radius for you search and that you would like an option to see results in a list view rather than on the map.

We listened, and in the background our amazing IT volunteer Pete has been working hard to make the changes.

Today I can reveal a ‘hint’ of what it is going to look like and we are hoping to make the changes live within the next two weeks.

This first image shows that you can choose an area, radius, list or map view and then you can suggest more filters.

Next is showing you how you can ‘drill’ down to a smaller area, this time a radius of five miles around Dawlish.

Lastly a sneak peak at the List view.

We will let you know once it goes ‘Live’ and would love your feedback. As always let us know what you love, if something isn’t working or you are experiencing issues, if there ae ways we could improve it, …. We look forward to hearing from you.

In Gratitude

Jaki 🙂

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