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Shark Week

Shark Week happens every year in July or August. It’s a yearly, weeklong grouping of shark-related show episodes, documentaries, and movies that airs on the #DiscoveryChannel. Shark week was first aired on the 17th of July 1988 with the purpose to focus on conservational initiatives or addressing myths related to sharks. Moreover, Shark Week allows the […]

International Self-Care Day

Every year on July 24th, International Self Care Day promotes self-care as a vital foundation of health. It’s also a day for people around the world to prioritise self-care and make it a part of their lifestyle. When you take care of yourself to stay well, you are practicing #SelfCare. Staying well includes taking care […]

International Friendship Day

Today is International Day of Friendship ! Our world faces many challenges, crises and forces of division — such as poverty, violence, and human rights abuses — among many others — that undermine peace, security, development and social harmony among the world's peoples. To confront those crises and challenges, their root causes must be addressed […]

World Breastfeeding Week

#WBW2024 will focus on survival, health and wellbeing. It will showcase the need to improve breastfeeding support to reduce inequalities that exist in our society with a special focus on breastfeeding in times of emergencies and crises. #Breastfeeding can act as an equaliser in our society and efforts must be made to ensure everyone has access […]

International Youth Day

International Youth Day on August 12th focuses on the difficulties that some young people are experiencing throughout the world. Half the children between the age of six and 13 lack basic reading and math skills and childhood poverty is still a prevalent problem globally. #InternationalYouthDay was created by the UN to help draw awareness to […]

World Photography Day

World Photo Day is on August 19th and it celebrates the day when the French government purchased the patent for the daguerreotype process. The daguerreotype process is a photographic process that creates highly detailed images on a sheet of copper plate with a thin coat of silver. The day requires participants to share a photo […]

International Dog Day

International Dog Day is a special celebration of all dogs around the world and the companionship and loyalty that they show to us. Dogs truly are ‘man’s best friend’, and #InternationalDogDay is a fantastic opportunity to showcase what these special animals do to keep us safe, guide us, and bring us joy. If you think […]

Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day, celebrated every August 26th, commemorates the passage of women’s suffrage and reminds us of the hurdles overcome by the heroic women who faced violence and #Discrimination to propel the women’s movement forward. In the early 19th century, American women, who generally couldn’t inherit property and made half of a man’s wages in […]

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